Basketball is in full swing and it seems to be the sport of choice for celebs. Here are some Hollywood favorites making courtside appearances.
Baby Biebs roots on the Lakers, sporting H20, a leather jacket & fist pumps.
photo via LA Times
David Beckham catches a Lakers game solo. Am I the only one not diggin' the greasy, girlish haircut?
photo via LA Times
Lindsay Lohan takes a break from rehab/jail/cocaine/girlfriends to "watch" some ball.
photo via LA Times
The Kardashians are now courtside regulars at Lakers games, with Khloe's husband playing for the team. Kim looks like she understands the game, but Khlo - not so much.
photo via TMZ
Jack Nicholson is a huge Lakers fan and often catches games with his gorg daughter, Lorraine.
photo via Huffington Post
Justin is all smiles at a recent Lakers game. Can't say the same for Jess though. Get the girl a drink!
photo via FanShots
This babealicious couple enjoys a beer and some hoops at a Lakers game.
photo via Global Grind
Jay Z and Beyonce are a regular powerhouse couple at New Jersey Nets games - J is part-owner of the team.

photo via GumBumper!
So the next time you find yourself courtside, don't forget your camera and pen for autographs - especially if you're in La La Land!
Check out the schedule for your team and catch a game!
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